
J. Lee Cooper-Giles - New York

J. Lee Cooper-Giles
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About J. lee Cooper-giles

J. Lee Cooper-giles is currently living in New York, working as a Muckraker-Writer in "" and is interested in Marketing, Print Media.
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New York

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Marketing, Print Media

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The Christ-Man Chronicles
by J. Lee Cooper-Giles is
published @
Phone: 1-800-839-8640

In The Christ-Man Chronicles, Cooper-Giles posits a compelling argument for both clergy: Episcopal Church vs. Religious Thugs and politicians: Obama vs. Bush , and their social issues, which should manifest and morph into models of progressive change and enlightenment.

In polite society, it is often suggested that two topics are off limits in conversation politics and religion; however, Cooper-Giles takes on both of these areas with his finely tuned hypocrisy detector turned on high. Add an emphatic take-no-prisoners style, and a lively literary journey has begun.

Everyone should understand that they are made in the image of God, our Creator, as a distinct individual, who has a divine, a unique, and a separate soul-force different than anyone else on this planet

Also, the narrative explains that everyone has the conscious potent ability to become Christ-Men in their personal journey here on Earth with the discovery of ones divine mission and purpose for being, and the eventual understanding of knowing the person that each one of us are meant to be: this understanding is gained by distinguishing the difference between the illusionists (e.g. the Fascist Hypocrites) and the creative value-producers (e.g. the Christ-Man Realists) around us!

This is not a book for the weak-hearted because Cooper-Giles approaches the topic elbows out with opinions blazing and with skill, finesse and great personal insight and intelligence. Every reader should walk away from this book challenged, but intellectually refreshed The body count in his wake includes George W. Bush, who has totally screwed up America every way humanly possible.

Cooper-Giles has written a powerful and well-supported argument for growth and change within the political and religious realms of the United States, so now its time for you, the reader, to enjoy the fruits of his labors So within the pages of this mini-book, Cooper-Giles, whos a somewhat reserved 21st Century Muckraker is a VOICE for the people!

This is a \"must-READ\" for every American...

And thats the real deal!

Quick Profile Summary

J. Lee Cooper-Giles
Name: J. Lee Cooper-Giles
Location: New York,United States
Job Title: Muckraker-Writer

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