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Two Tips For Improving Your Small Business Profits

Advertising & Marketing

If you want to increase your small business productivity and profits, you certainly are not alone. Many owners want to improve their business size and profits, but they are not sure how to go about it. If you want to make more money, you are going to have to take advantage of the latest trends. There are a number of trends your company is going to have to take advantage of in order to grow down the road. Here are three of the most important trends:

Role of Globalization and Trade:

Basically, taking advantage of the whole globe is important for increasing your business to the max. If you only focus on your country, you might be missing opportunities in other parts of the world. Obviously if you have not maximized your reach into your home country, you should focus on that first. However, if you seem to have hit a limit to your growth locally, selling your product around the world is something to consider.


As more and more people use cell phones, you have to learn how to reach them. One thing you can do is try to get their cell phone number. That way, you can send advertising via text message, which can be effective when done correctly.

However, you also need to factor in how this impacts your website. After all, they are going to be accessing your site through their smart phone instead of through a laptop, and therefore the screen is smaller. This means you probably want to have a smart phone version of your website, as well as a full sized version.

The duplication of your website can be easily accomplished with software. There is software built specifically to change your website size to allow it to fit the screen of smart phones better. If you use this software, recipients of your message will not have to scroll back and forth constantly. It could mean the difference between a sale or no sale.

Obviously social media is another aspect of technology you want to take advantage of if you want to improve your profits. Since more and more people are using Facebook and Twitter, you want to have a presence on these sites.


How you take advantage of the latest trends is important for improving your small business profits. These are two factors that affect just about every business, and your management team should definitely think about them and make adjustments accordingly.

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Two Tips For Improving Your Small Business Profits